

sev/sevin/evin 16 he/they white demiboy MLM
likes: fish, sunghoon, stardew valley, minecraft, my cat, EPIC the musical, greek mythology, artsy stuff (sometimes), the color orange, my friends
dislikes: really loud sudden noises (ex. fireworks),

before you follow: i am a MINOR! please keep sexual jokes to a minimum, kys/die jokes are alright if i know you kinda well, only masc/neutral terrms please!
don't interact: basic dni, you post a ton of nsfw, you post about dteam/wilbur soot, you're rudy romancephobia,,

Dog & Bone


1:43 ................. 4:21

Watch out for me, I'm just walking pain
And in two months straight you won't feel the same
As when we stuck plastic stars upon the ceiling

I wish I took them with me, but I left them there